I’m Back!

Hello All!

It has been quite a while since my last blog post. About ten months to be exact. Which is a really long time. No real big excuse other than life has happened and I haven’t put this as high on my priority list as I’d like to or it should’ve been. I thought since not many people read it, that it wasn’t a big deal. But posting often, and working on it… will get more readers. Plus this isn’t really just about how many people read about it. This is for me as well.

To give an update about what is happening in my life, I have been dealing with my health. It’s been my main focus. Spending a lot of my time in the hospital or doctors office. I have switched primary care doctors and that is the best decision I have made health wise in a long time. We haven’t nailed down a diagnosis yet but we have figured out some pieces to this massive puzzle. There will be a blog post on this. My health is a huge obstacle right now. I have taken a break from school recently that was two weeks and due to new and arising health issues, I have decided to extend it a little bit longer. I have had two family members get married which was very exciting…I went to one in Leavenworth and one in Wenatchee..(I don’t know if I have mentioned it but a majority of my family is from Wenatchee.) I have also been connecting with my friends, some old some new. I have been very selective of who I give my energy and time too. Especially because I don’t have much energy. I don’t want to spend it with people who drain me and offer little to no positivity to my life. It has been an interesting summer and fall. I have watched a few of my friends grow and move to different areas, go to college and a few even got married. Which as all been really cool to see.

My relationship, we have grown so much. Not only individually but as a couple as well. Also learned so much this year. I have learned that relationships are not always sunshine and rainbows, there are hard times and in a relationship, it is important to stick by your partner in those times, not just the good ones. And these are the often the times that the most growth happens and love blooms. I have loved harder than I ever knew possible. I love all the special moments him and I have shared. We have had more holidays, birthdays and family events to go together. More adventures and road trips, which we also love. I have seen him grow. We have both gotten better at the typical relationship things like communication and trust. All crucial to a happy and healthy relationship. I love him so and I really believe that he is the one in the last ten months I have grown to see that this is the man God has set apart for me. The man I will one day(in the near future) call my husband. The man who will change my last name. My respect for him has also grown. I have learned that I love to give gifts, thoughtful, sometimes handmade, quite often.

I have fallen more in love with my beautiful niece.. which I truly thought was impossible. Being that, I loved her so much already. She is the light of my world. She means so much to me. Her 2nd birthday also happens to be right around the corner. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! I can’t believe she is already two.

I still want to be an MD.. but its growing to be a challenge since I constantly need a Dr. URG!!!

That is all I have for now! get ready for more blog posts and stay tuned!

New Year!!

Happy New Year!!

I am so glad that 2017 is over. Not my best year. But a year necessary for my growth and learning. I learned so much in the last year. I learned in many different areas of my life and about many things. I spent more time growing into a beautiful and powerful young woman. I loved hard and hurt a lot too. I got sick but I also got in the gym and had a solid workout regimen. I am proud of the things I learned and overcame in the last year. I also mourn the losses and remember the pain I felt too.

I learned so much about myself. What I like to do, Who I am, what I like to read, my dreams and goals and about my writing. I learned how my body works and what makes it upset, as well as what fuels and drives it. I grew into myself it feels like. I learned what I have to offer in a relationship and what I need/want out of one. I spent some time looking for the right one. I learned about loving myself.

I learned about what I want to do. What my desired career path is and started working towards it. I started my life coach training at SLCT. (Seattle life coach Training) And I started college.Life coaching is going to play a big role in my career.

I also finally started my blog. Something I have wanted to do for a long time. I am very much a writer. And I write about many things. For instance, I journal, do poetry and write fiction. So this is a place where it all can go. I can do a little bit of everything. But I also have lots to talk about and feel that I have a lot that can help people. If that’s people going through the same thing or looking to learn more about certain things I can help. Not to mention I think I have a pretty interesting life. Highly emotional but none the less, interesting. I want to help people and I also want to talk about some of the tougher topics. Like mental illness and babies and all the stuff people get weird about.

I learned a lot about PCOS this year too and some of the things that actually make a difference. A lot of doctors don’t know much about it but everyone says weight loss is the only thing to really help. And while yes losing weight does help a lot, it is not the only thing to help. Or the only solution.I got very sick this year quite a few times and am currently sick again. Which is really annoying if you ask me.

I also tried to start bullet journaling and that didn’t end so well for me. But I did get this make your own planner kit towards the end of November, and that is awesome and totally working for me. I enjoy it a lot. I really enjoy the creativity and how organized it allows me to be. As well as that I began bible journaling. Which is another way to say illustrating/doodling in my bible meaningfully. I was gifted two incredible bibles for doing this. One that allows me to be fully creative in how I want to do it and how much art I would like to put into it while the other has areas that I will color in and all the art is in the bible. The second one is also a hard cover and canvas type bible. (I will include links and pictures later) My christian blog where I will be posting a lot about my bible journaling and walk with God is kandysse.faith I encourage you to take a look.

I also spent a lot of time working on my drawing skills and making hand-made cards for friends and family. I grew a lot creatively this year. Especially In my writing!

My family also grew this year and I fell in love. I made some new friends and created amazing relationships. I am very excited to see where they go this year. I am especially happy for the opportunity I had this year to meet the love of my life. He is truly a blessing and I can’t wait to spend the next year with him. Learning and growing.

This last year a lot happened and a lot changed. But a lot of it was for the better. It may have been a tough year but I made it and so did you! So congrats!!! I hope this year is better and filled with growth as well. I will be working hard to get more constant with blog posts. Along with my health and happiness.

Happy New year! I hope it is a great year for all of you! Fill it wisely and let the Good vibes flow.