Another angel…

Hello everyone,

I would very much like to not be seeing this unfold or have this conversation again. And what is “this” you may be wondering? I am referring to the death of a sweet young girl by the name of Aubreigh Wyatt. I am incredibly saddened to hear this right on the heels of Genzelle. Another case of a beautiful young girl being bullied to death. Aubreigh’s mom has been court ordered to keep quiet and no social media or press. That doesn’t mean I can’t use my voice for her. I Think it’s incredibly unfair to silence her and I think if anything this needs to be a conversation on the forefront even more now.

This beautiful young girl had her whole life ahead of her. She was a girl for god. Walking by the light of his path. She was a sister. She was a daughter. She had many amazing things about her. She was only 13.  She did gymnastics and was loved by many for her bubbly personality. I can’t imagine the pain her family is going through. My heart truly goes out to them.

Just a few months ago, locally we dealt with another young teen girl who had been bullied to the point she took her own life. I hate to see another. The world truly has to change and people desperately need to learn to be kind. Has no one heard Thumper? “If you can’t say nothing nice, don’t say nothing at all”, This is a lesson I think most people could take to heart. We are often told not to let words hurt us. But words do hurt. And when they are repeated to you everyday you begin to believe them. I know I certainly did. It’s taken years to overcome them and no longer hear them ringing in my ears or echo when I look in the mirror. There is no reason that anyone needs to be this way. It costs absolutely nothing to be kind, and if you can’t be kind then just don’t say anything.. Anyone who’s been bullied didn’t deserve it. To the kids who have died as a result is also horrible. Parents need to do better. Schools need to do better.

I fully believe that if someone is bullied to the point of sucide then those responsible should be charged with murder. It is no different than killing someone in cold blood in my opinion. In this whole process some how the Wyatt family is still the ones ending up in pain. Heather may not be able to share Aubreigh’s story, but I can. And I absolutely every intention of doing so.

This is another example of a death that absolutely could have been prevented. In this case the four girls responsible for Aubreigh’s death and bullying sued Heather. Causing the court to order silence from her. Demanding that she removes herself form all social media. To stop talking about her daughter. TO which It makes me wonder….it seems a little odd that the court is not allowing free speech on the topic. What are they getting out of this?? If your kids are a hundred percent innocent then why does she need to be silenced. I think it’s crossing a line and incredibly suspicious.

The internet can be both an incredible place and horrible one. Sometimes at the same time. Through the internet I was able to learn about both girls. And especially in this case, able to also see the evidence. And there is more than enough of it. The internet is also allowing for people all over to hear her story and share it. Say her name and bring justice. To mourn together and offer our love and company as they battle this. It allows us to show each other that we are never alone. It’s showing both the best and the worst of people. I am extremely grateful for the internet and it allowing me to hear of this so I can advocate and try to bring justice.

In learning about this case, I learned that it was another situation where the school had been informed of the bullying and did nothing. Where at one point they said oh “so and so would never do that”. No punishment and no protection of the victim. After a certain point you get tired and stop reporting or never do it altogether because you learn that it doesn’t matter if you do. Now we are dealing with court cases built to silence Aubreigh’s mom and hide her story. A court case of the girls and their parents defending and minimizing their actions. Or claiming defimation for their girls to be addressed for what they did. They don’t like their kids being the villain in the story so they want it closed.

I am disgusted by not only the school and all the staff who sat by, I am disgusted by the judicial system and the parents. By humanity. We have come to accept the bullying and unkindness. I will be the first to say that I absolutely do not accept this. I want to make change. This has to stop…. are they not going to care until it’s their kid buried before even finding themselves? Are they okay with it till it’s their sister they have to take a balloon to in order to wish them a happy birthday? Are they okay with their grandchild never graduating or getting married? Because those are all things taken away from Aubreigh’s family, and far too many others.

We need to be raising the kids better. We need to be raising kind kids. When bullying is reported It needs to be handled swiftly and severe. More education so we all know what forms bullying takes and how it starts. Often times it gets shoved under the rug a few times before anyone is even talked to. And we need to be handling it the first time and immediately. Not the second time or third. When all these schools say they have a zero tolerance bullying policy, they need to actually mean it. They need to discipline like they mean it. The punishments need to be more than a suspension..I  also believe that they need better counselors hired on at school. We need to stop teaching kids to accept any unkind treatment. Stop saying “Boys will be boys” or “Just walk away”. Have you ever tried to walk away from a bully? It often makes them mad and whatever they do worse. Not to mention they can just follow you and often times they do. The groups made with Kids being bullied and their bully to make amends and learn how to be together needs to stop.

Parents shouldn’t be living in fear of sending their kids to school because they are worried about the bullying they may face. Altering things about their children or going out of their way to attempt to make sure all is trendy and give them everything in hopes someone doesn’t make fun of them. The idea of when a child is born the choice of name is a huge task. So as to try them and make sure that name won’t set your kid up to be picked on.  No parent should  be called down to the school for it. Not receiving texts while at work of the bullying done. Your child begging to be picked up from school or not attend at all.  And most of all no parent should ever find their child deceased, notes from them or bury them. Parents aren’t supposed to bury their children.

It’s incredibly sad that we won’t know who these kids would’ve grown up to be or the things they could’ve accomplished. Maybe one was the next Einstein. Now they are incredible and beautiful angels.

My heart goes out to the families and friends of those affected by suicide and who have lost someone due to it. My heart goes out to all the first responder that take those calls. My prayers go to you. I ask God to hold these sweet angels close to his chest and they know no more pain. I wish that we continue to speak their names and honor their beautiful lives.I pray we continue to fight. I will continue to advocate for change.

If you or someone you know is struggling please reach out. There are people there and that truly care. There is help out there. You can reach the national Suicide hotline is 988 and is open 24/7. Please reach out! And I pray that you know it can get better and there is so much yet to see and do. A permanent solution to a temporary problem a lot of folks say.

I give you all my love!🧡