My thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends of Jerry West. I know all too well the grief of loosing such a pivotal person. An incredible man and icon of the game literally. He is the NBA icon. I pray that he enjoys the amazing team that is in heaven.
When I make the statement that legends never die this is true. Jerry West will live on. He is the logo of the NBA. When we teach kids and other people of the beautiful game we get to tell his story every time we look at the icon.
Sadly we have lost so many amazing players. We recently lost Bill Walton as well. Someone close to my grandfather and someone I have seen a good handful. A kind man.
My prayers go out to the families truly. These are incredible losses… But I ask that you think about a realization I had in mourning my grandpa. We as the family and friends aren’t the only ones mourning, largely the world is mourning too. Take comfort in talking to them and sharing their love and memories. Know that the pain and missing them isn’t just you. I found comfort in that. I had the whole state of Massachusetts to Stand with me as well as many other people and places around the world.
The team being built in heaven is truly incredible. I wouldn’t run around trying to start a pick up game though… You got more than a handful of olympic athletes. Plenty of the best basketball players to ever play the game. Plus some amazing coaches.
All my love.